domingo, 29 de janeiro de 2012

MySQL Workbench Slackware 13.37 64 [english version]

Well, first, sorry my english. =]
But, in order of an e-mail from gdtwine, I tried to translate my last post.

I hope you enjoy!

Good evening everyone!
Well, first forgive me for none posting for a long time, but, I’m back!
This time, I take a few words about my difficult to install MySQL Workbench on Slackware 13.37 64.
Just to know, the entire process is by hand, in other words, don’t start reading if you afraid “configure”, “make” or “make install”. Just a warning…
Well, let’s GO!
The difficult is not downloading or compiling, but is the order of stuff. Slackware doesn’t have the apt-get that make the things easy of dependencies, leaving the “bomb” in your hands... But, it’s just the reason of internet, right?
Every package was downloaded of the site so, no misteries.

01 - libsigc++
02 - glibmm
03 - cairomm 
04 - pangomm
05 - atkmm
06 - gtkmm
07 - lua

The process was the same for all packages:
- Donwload the source file and SlackBuild file.
- Uncompact the SlackBuild file and move the source file in to the same folder.
- Run [package].SlackBuild
- And finally, run "installpkg /tmp/[pacote]"

Every command as root.

After this long walk, we can donwload the MySQL Workbench at this site:
Select Source Code and download the file.
After, uncompact the downloaded file.
Get in the new folder with the uncompated files and do the following commands:
- ./configure
- make
- make install
- make clean

If you have any problem, like me, at ./configure time, run the command Bellow, in place of ./configure:
./ --prefix=/place/where/you/uncompact/the/MySQLWorkbench

Just for ilustration, my case:
./ --prefix=/home/eduardo/Downloads/mysql-workbench-gpl-5.2.35-src

Just for know, the entire process of compiling the package take a looooooooong time. Was a god time until I had the prompt again, so, if happens with you, don’t worry: a coffe, brad and a god tv show will help you spending the time…

Well, in the end of journey:
